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Black Lives Matter, a statement from Peter Calderbank, Chief Executive, Field Lane

A statement from Peter Calderbank, Chief Executive, Field Lane

The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, USA on the 25 May 2020 has shaken the world. To die as the result of police brutality simply because of the colour of your skin is completely unacceptable. His death has sparked a global response because it is a blatant and public example of deep-rooted racial discrimination, which members of the black community face everyday.

It is easy to think of this appalling event as a problem that exists elsewhere but here in the UK many people also face a daily battle against racism – casual, systemic and targeted.

Since George Floyd’s death, large numbers of people from all races having been coming together and standing side by side to protest and to stand against inequality. I believe it is a fight that we must all be part of.

Our mission at Field Lane is to enable all of our clients – adults with learning disabilities and vulnerable families – to lead fulfilling lives within their communities. We firmly believe in equal opportunities for all. No matter the colour of skin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, country of origin, ethnicity, age or social background. Every person should have the opportunity to belong, contribute and thrive within our communities without fear or discrimination.

But it is not simply enough to believe in something. We must act also.

Field Lane stands in solidarity with everyone fighting to end racism and discrimination, and calls on communities to unite and work towards achieving a more just and inclusive future for all.

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