There are two million social care workers looking after the most vulnerable people in the UK, helping them to get through and survive the lockdown. People in need of care are often older or suffering from certain health issues, meaning they are also the most susceptible to Covid-19. While their families and friends are unable to look after them, care workers offer a vital lifeline, ensuring that their daily needs are met and that they are not left stranded and alone.
By continuing to provide care for those in desperate need during this crisis, care workers are potentially putting themselves at risk. On Monday 13 April the Care Workers Charity is calling on everyone across the UK to celebrate our amazing carers and help raise vital funds to provide extra support for them through this difficult time as part of an emergency appeal.
Join in the #SparkleforSocialCare campaign by putting some sparkly decorations in your window or wearing something that sparkles. The aim is to do this every Monday from 13 April, and post a photo on social media with the hashtag #SparkleforSocialCare. You can donate to the Sparkle for Social Care Crisis Appeal by visiting: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Sparkle-for-Social-Care