There are a growing number of people being diagnosed with learning disabilities and autism. As is the trend in society in general, with longer life expectancy, more people with learning disabilities are outliving their carers. The issue is compounded by the fact 30 per cent fewer people get support from social services than they did 20 years ago. This percentage is likely to increase as local authorities continue to make further spending cuts. Accessing these diminishing services is also increasingly complex and confusing.
It is a worrying development, creating more anxiety for parents of children with learning disabilities, who are concerned about what will happen to their children in adulthood.
Our vision for a society where all people have the opportunity to lead a full life, contributing to and enjoying their local community is at the forefront of everything we do. We understand the growing challenges and frustrations people with learning disabilities face in accessing services. Being amongst the most vulnerable members of our society, we want to ensure these adults do not get overlooked.
By providing supported living, we offer our clients the opportunity to live independent and fulfilling lives. The accommodation is to a high specification, with each resident having their own bedroom and en suite bathroom, with shared living room and kitchen areas. Our team of support staff provides our clients with one-to-one support enabling them to take part in everyday living, as well as outside activities, such as attending college, shopping, walking in the local park, going to a music gig, taking a trip to an adventure centre and many more similar pursuits.
We believe our clients can exceed expectations and lead the best life they can, enjoying all of things many of us take for granted. A learning disability is not a barrier to living a full and independent life.