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Allchurches Trust donation will help homeless families

Field Lane has been awarded a substantial grant by Allchurches Trust, one of the UK’s largest grant-giving charities. The money is specifically for repairs and maintenance at Andrew Provan House, our supported-living project for vulnerable young families in West London.

The Trust’s funds come from Ecclesiastical Insurance Group, whose aim is always to give its profits back to society and whose values date back to the 19th Century, when a philanthropic gathering of Victorian business men, MPs and clerics set up the insurance group with the intention of supporting parishes in need. As with the founders of Field Lane, whose origins date back to the philanthropy of Andrew Provan and his contemporaries in Victorian London, setting up the first Ragged School in East London, the intention remains to promote the Christian faith and the greater good of society.

Field Lane has come a long way since the first Ragged School, today providing high quality and thoroughly modern services to disadvantaged families and people with learning disabilities. However, the ethos and intentions of its founders remain firmly engrained and Field Lane continues to care for the most vulnerable, and often hidden, people in our society.

The grant from Allchurches Trust will ensure we are able to enhance the living conditions for the vulnerable families, many of whom are homeless, seeking a safe haven in Andrew Provan House. Here they are given the chance to get back on their feet and live in an environment that is secure and supportive. No matter the circumstances, having a good and well maintained home makes a huge difference to the self-esteem and well-being of the residents.

Paul Playford, Allchurches Trust Grants Officer, said: “At the heart of our grant-giving is helping those most in need and I am delighted that we have been able to provide funding to Field Lane, a charity which embodies our own values and does such important work in supporting people and families to get their lives back on track. We hope our funding will enable their clients to feel more at home at Andrew Provan House.”

Photo: left to right, Carol Richards receiving the donation from Paul Playford (Allchurches Trust).

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