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Raymond’s story


As well as our news, we want to tell you about our residents. Here’s a story about one of our older, long-term residents, Raymond.

Raymond was born in the sixties. He was diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum, with a moderate learning disability and epilepsy. Both of his parents also had learning disabilities and were unable to care for him at home. Raymond was placed in residential care and shortly afterwards his parents died, leaving him with no family.

He lived in the residential home for many years. Raymond’s needs were different to the other residents and he didn’t develop as well there as he should have done.

He was assessed for a placement within Surrey Council’s Supported Living Services. He was matched with one of Field Lane’s projects supporting just four clients of a similar age and with similar interests.

Raymond came to Field Lane with minimal life skills. He needed help with personal care, dressing, cooking and the everyday chores that we all take for granted. The staff team worked tirelessly to support Raymond and help him get to grips with strategies and tasks to manage his autism.

Raymond responded well, his confidence grew and he was soon taking responsibility for his own daily activities.

Raymond continues to make great strides with his independence. The staff team describes him as having “the best smile ever… every time he accomplishes a new task, his smile lights up the whole room!”

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