We’re excited to announce two new housing projects: Crawley project and Horley project. Both houses are specifically for young people with learning disabilities. The builders are currently on site in both houses and everything is beginning to take shape. The contractor will hand over both properties in June 2018 ready for clients to move in during July.
The Horley project has already had several Surrey referrals, which are mostly young people leaving full-time education who have autism and/or complex needs. There is one bedroom and bathroom with wheelchair access.
We are starting to work closely with West Sussex County Council in preparation for when the Rother project goes live. This follows successfully gaining a place on the West Sussex provider framework. We are expecting to have the six clients in place ready to move in by July 2018. It is likely that the group will be young clients with additional health needs. The Project Development Manager, Jack, has begun to assess the proposed clients for both houses and to work closely with Surrey and West Sussex Adult Social Care and Transition teams.