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René Carayol talks money matters with our mums


The families who come to live at Andrew Provan House (APH) have suffered considerable hardship, which was outside of their control. When they arrive, they are at their lowest ebb in confidence and self-esteem. At APH, as well as offering these families a safe haven, many of who are young mothers with babies or toddlers, we provide an opportunity for them to gain the confidence and skills needed to live independent lives.

One of the ways we do this is through helping our residents to learn key life skills that have been previously overlooked, such as managing personal finance and budgeting. This week, the celebrity coach and motivational speaker, René Carayol is running a workshop for our residents, focusing on his top tips for helping people be better equipped to manage their money.

“Ninety percent of success is having the confidence to face up to your dilemma. Although having knowledge of the tools and tricks is important, the thing most vital to success is confidence,” says René.

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